Who is ready for Smolov and Smolov Jr. While many Russians train their squats and deadlifts two to three times a week many of them also train their bench press up to eight times per week.
The 9 Week Bench Blast Smash Your Bench Press Plateau Cast Iron Strength
Day 4 - Squat Workout 2.

Russian bench press cycle. Below for example is a 12-week cycle recommended by Ed Coan for a lifter who bench presses 270 and wants to increase that to 300. About the program layout and how you will be lifting during each week. Week 2 190x2x10.
In sessions 10-18 the volume is reduced and the intensity is slowly ramped up. Week 4 210x2x8. If you arent already aware the Sheiko training style is intended for competition-minded lifters who specifically want to increase their performance in the three core lifts of professional powerlifting.
This is a no nonsense 6 week bench press peaking program styled after the infamous Russian Squat Routine. This is an article that I got from someone at a powerlifting meet 2 years ago who had copied it from an issue of PLUSA the magazine. One method that Russians use and one that goes against what is currently used by many Western lifters is to rarely do more than bench.
Week 1 190x2x10. At this point you can either choose to begin this bench press cycle over again basing the weight upon your new 1rm or change to a different program. It is the routine that the Russians used at the 2000 IPF world bench press championships where they took 8 out of 11 gold medals.
It uses a 3 block approach based off three training zones. This is a no nonsense 6 week bench press peaking program styled after the infamous Russian Squat RoutineIt is a 3 day bench press program that accumulates volume around 80 to 85 of a lifters 1 rep max before tapering down volume and increasing intensityIt ends with completing two singles at 105 of the lifters beginning 1 rep max. Russian Bench Press Cycle.
Russian Strength Program Generator. What is needed in terms of diet and training to maximize Smolov. Russian cycle for bench press Hi Andy Ive been using H-L-M routines for 4-5 months now and I think that overall stress is matching recovery ability of my 38 years old ass.
This phase of the programme can be used to focus on thecnique. The 9 week bench blast is a programme designed to let a lifter peak for a new personal best attempt or to get ready for a powerlifting competition. Voici un programme dentraînement qui permettra de vous débloquez au Bench Press ou au Deadlift.
How the Smolov Jr. It ends with completing two singles at 105 of the lifters beginning 1 rep max. Lift you are doing.
You can use this program generator to help design your squatting or pressing ie. This 6 week program is designed to help peak the bench press squat or deadlift. It consists of 18 training sessions.
Enter your comment here. Once heavy once light. American 25lb 5lb 15lb 25lb 35lb 45lb international 275lb 55lb 11lb 22lb 33lb 44lb Add a dinky plate.
Block 1 50-70 Volume accumulation and confidence building. Bench press squat and deadlift. The original squat program articlesays that you should do 105of your entry max at the end.
Week 5 220x2x5. Method 4Perform A Limited Number Of Exercises At Each Workout. During the first 9 sessions the weight is being held constant and the volume is increased.
1 overhead press military press push press power jerk behind the neck press 1 bench press bench press decline bench press incline bench press floor press You could add a vertical pulling or a rowing movement chin-up pull-up barbell row but I prefer to count these as additional work done for hypertrophy at the end of the sessions. Day 7 - Off. Ce cycle est basé sur une répétition maximal 1RM.
I know progress is progress but. After 6 weeks it aims to increase your 1 rep max by 5. Semaine Jour 1 Jour 2 Jour 3.
Day 6 - Deadlift Workout 2. Day 3 - Off. Vous ferez lexercice 3 fois par semaine avec un augmentation de lintensité un entraînement sur deux.
Bench press curl deadlift Current max. It is a 3 day bench press program that accumulates volume around 80 to 85 of a lifters 1 rep max before tapering down volume and increasing intensity. So I have made decent progress except for bench 10lbs 18 weeks.
Day 5 - Bench Workout 2. The resulting exercise program is intended to increase strength not mass. Goal to allow the lifter to freshen up and get in 3 weeks of good work.
Day 2 - Bench Workout 1. This allows you 96 hours of rest or 4 complete days after your heavy bench press day. Russian Bench Press routine told to PLUSA by Pavel Tsatsouline.
Yes no if yes we will allow for up to one of the smallest plates in your set to be added if that gets us closer to your actual correct percentage. Russian Bench Press Routine. Week 3 200x2x8.
Strength exercises workout routines. It is based on training twice each week. How to prepare for and recover from a Smolov training session.
After your moderate deadlift day youll wait 5 complete days before hitting your heavy day. This is the reason they train the muscles that are used in the bench press more frequently than their squats or deadlifts. Good for peaking and preparing for a powerlifting meet.
This should not be used as your only squatting or pressing program over an extended period of time. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in. It was designed by Soviet coach Yuri Verkhoshansky and described to John Abdo who brought it back to the USA.
What to expect during the 13 week Smolov cycle. Bench press cycle is set up. June 16 2013 colayaje00801 bench press routine russian.
In todays video i will be reviewing the 6 week russian bench press. Kirill sarychev andrey sapozhonkov. Leave a Reply Cancel reply.
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